Your Neighbor and Community Partner
For over 50 years
We empower people to live within their means in communities of their choice. Our assistance for renters and home-buyers creates a pathway to security and stability. Our residential behavioral health and domestic violence services help people overcome challenges to live safely on their own.
Whether you're looking for an apartment, a new home, Section 8 housing, or mortgage assistance, we can help. Take a moment to browse our range of services then contact us to make an appointment today.
For the one-in-four adults living with a mental illness, access to safe and affordable housing is even harder to come by than it is for people with other kinds of health problems, or healthy people overall.
Personal safety is a fundamental right. We are here to support victims of domestic violence courageously seeking safety in the face of huge challenges.
This is Arbor
Arbor Housing and Development exists to provide safe and affordable housing in the community. We work with partners and individuals to understand their needs and connect them with the best services we can offer.

Recent News
What's happening at Arbor? Browse our recent project updates and announcements.
Reynolds Way Apartment project moving forward after parking dispute
ELMIRA, N.Y. (WETM) – Plans for a new apartment building in downtown Elmira are moving forward after disputes over zoning and allocated parking...
“No More Week” local law enforcement joins Arbor Housing to bring awareness to domestic violence and sexual assault
BATH, NY (WETM) – Local law enforcement joined together on the steps of the Bath Steuben County Historical Society to bring awareness of domestic...
Arbor Housing and Development receives $277K grant (WETM)
CORNING, N.Y. (WETM) – Arbor Housing and Development has received a $277,500 NeighborWorks America grant to bring local solutions to affordable...